How Facebook Ads Auction Works?

Facebook ads is a very famous platform to attract our audience through Facebook campaigns . We can attract more customers as compared to another platform because people engaged on Facebook more. Due to the large Facebook database, we can easily place ads for our targeted audience according to our niche. In this article, we will cover how we use facebook database and how facebook auction takes place. There are many niches on which marketers work and facebook categories each and every data in its database. For Example:- A sportswear shop owner runs an ad on Facebook for the audience who are interested in sports so he is willing to show ads to those only who are interested in sports only. Facebook will show ads only to those who are interested in sports and who likes sports-related activities and things. So, what is the process of Facebook for showing the ads to the Targeted audience only and how it works, we will see in this particular blog? The Facebook system runs on data points. Actua...